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NYC Congenital Heart Walk

September 28, 10 am1 pm.

The Children’s Heart Foundation is hosting 33 walks across the country this year to bring together families navigating congenital heart defects and raise funds for research.  This event will be a day of fun activities, entertainment, research updates, and a family-friendly one mile walk. The Congenital Heart Walk is the nation’s largest walk series solely dedicated to raising money to fund congenital heart defect research.

Here are some of the activities you can expect on walk day: creative time with Crafty Kids SI, meet and greet with horses and canines protecting NY with the NYPD Mounted Unit and K-9 Unit, dee an NYPD Emergency Service Unit up close, visit the FDNY Fire Safety Table, meet some fun characters provided by a Moment of Magic, dance to tunes with a DJ, get some colorful face painting, and more.

Register as a fundraising walker, team captain, volunteer, or make a donation.



Slater Avenue and Father Capodanno Boulevard
Staten Island, NY United States