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3-Mile Guided Hike

December 1, 2024, noon2 pm.

Bring the family out for a  guided hike along the Park’s northern trails. Stop at Tappan’s Pond, visit the Gericke Farm, and travel the Ellis Swamp Trail. This hike has moderate difficulty. Trails are not stroller friendly. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Advanced registration required. If sold out, feel free to walk up and see if there are open spots. Outdoor programs are subject to cancellation due to inclement weather, call for updates. Please dress tick-safe by wearing hiking boots or sneakers, tall socks pulled up over pantlegs, and bug spray.

Please use the following address to navigate to the park: 2351 Veterans Road West, Staten Island, NY 10309



2351 Veterans Rd. West
Staten Island, NY United States